Ecological impacts caused by invasive alien species can be severe but may vary depending upon environmental conditions. Many European populations of the native mussel, *Mytilus edulis*, have been invaded by the Pacific oyster, *Crassostrea* …
The European flat oyster *Ostrea edulis* once settled in high densities throughout its natural range but now exists only in small fragmented populations. In the Sea Lough of Strangford, Northern Ireland, recent increases in intertidal oyster numbers …
Coastal ecosystems are subject to a wide variety of abiotic variation including seasonal fluctuations and hydrodynamic disturbance, which can influence species distributions. Additionally, introductions of invasive species are creating biotic …
Ostrea edulis was once prolific throughout Europe and considered as the continent's native oyster. However, O. edulis currently exists in small fragmented assemblages where natural unaided recovery is rarely encountered. This research identified the …
The ecological impacts of invasive species can be severe, but are generally viewed as highly unpredictable. Recent methods combining per capita feeding rates, population abundances and environmental contexts have shown great utility in predicting …
Invasive alien species continue to proliferate and cause severe ecological impacts. Functional responses (FRs) have shown excellent utility in predicting invasive predator success, however, their use in predicting invasive prey success is limited. …